Sunday, December 17, 2023

3rd Sunday of Advent - 12/17/2023

Click here for readings

Not that I’m counting, but there are 7 days until the baby Jesus is born.  The creche is out, but no baby or wise people or camels are there just yet.  Christmas preparations are under way:  decorations, gift exchanges, cookie parties, shopping, making, shipping and delivering.  Children gleefully free of school until the new year.  Holiday gatherings taking shape.  In all the doing, all the effort to create a ‘perfect’ Christmas, where is God?

Sunday, December 10, 2023

2nd Sunday of Advent - 12/10/2023

Readings for today.

Watch the service.

These opening verses from Mark give us a sense of the story he is about to relate.  We jump from last week’s Gospel story from Mark that comes just before Jesus’ Passion back to the very beginning of Mark.  Unlike Luke or Matthew, Mark is unconcerned with Jesus’ birth story or pedigree.  With a sense of immediacy, Mark crafts an opening that draws in the listener, engages our minds and hearts, and moves us to action.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

1st Sunday of Advent - 12/03/2023

Readings for this week.

Watch the video.

On a walk this week, I heard a snippet of a passing conversation - like you do.  Another walker was describing a spiritual vision-quest with an intention of opening themself to non-self-judgmental clarity about their feelings.  That was all I heard as we passed one another.

That brief glimpse into another life reminded me of our human desire to know and understand life and ourselves. And the courage it takes to be present and aware of all the feelings we experience.  There is something holy about softening the crusty protective shell around our hearts.  About taking the risk to acknowledge our disappointment, shame, anger, fear, sorrow and all the other feelings we have when it seems like our lives and our world are falling apart and we are helpless to stop it.  God knows what is in our hearts already - and loves us.  Our wholeness and peace come when we also know and love who we are.