Sunday, May 14, 2023

6th Sunday of Easter - 05/14/2023

 Readings for Today.

The 8:00AM service this morning started a few minutes late because at 7:55 we were calling 911 and administering Narcan to a neighbor on our front steps.  Fortunately, she was with a friend whom I noticed trying unsuccessfully to rouse her.  EMS arrived within minutes and she eventually got up and walked away.  

It was the first time I have ever administered Narcan and I was really glad for all the media coverage I have heard about it recently.  It was easy to use, and I have learned that if someone doesn’t need it it won’t hurt them.  And if they do, it can save their life.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

5th Sunday of Easter - 05/07/2023

 Readings for Today.

Good morning, church!  It finally feels like spring!  Occasional sun breaks bring some much needed warmth, and send us Seattlites scrambling for sunscreen and hats.  Birds singing, pollen flying, azaleas and rhododendrons coming into full glory.  And the true meaning of ‘growing like a weed’ is evident before our very eyes!

What I love about spring, beyond the beauty of flowers and light for after-dinner walks, is the sense of renewal and rebirth.  Blinking at the bright sunlight, smelling the sweetness of cherry blossoms, anything is possible.  The unknowing, which seemed so ominous in the shorter, colder, darker days of winter, now feels hopeful.