Sunday, January 27, 2019

3rd Sunday after Epiphany - Annual Address

Readings for Today.

Listen to the Sermon.

Dear People of God, my brothers and sisters in Christ here at St. Hilda St. Patrick,

I want to begin by saying that, four months into this interim time, I continue to be so very glad God called us to be in ministry together.  I love getting to know you, and seeing how God is at work in your lives and in this faithful community. Thank you for welcoming me and my family so easily and warmly.

Our gospel today finds Jesus back in his hometown of Nazareth.  He has begun his public ministry, and has already made a name for himself as a religious teacher.  Now, home in the synagogue where he grew up, he opens the scroll of Isaiah, and reads aloud some of Isaiah’s most provocative prophecies.  And then, after a pregnant pause, he says, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21).

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Epiphany 2019

Readings for Today.

Listen to the Sermon.

Have you seen the big star that the downtown Seattle Macys puts on the building for the Christmas season?  I wonder if they would loan it out one of these years for Epiphany. If we put it up on the church, do you think wise people would come here seeking Jesus?