Sunday, July 21, 2024

9th Sunday after Pentecost - 07/21/2024


Desert Sunrise. Image by Thomas G., from Pixabay


Dear friends of Jesus -

Good morning!  And it IS a beautiful morning here in Galilee.  I’m sitting near the top of a little mountain, breathing sweet cool air scented with bay and flowers.  I am watching the sky turn from purple to pink to blue with the sunrise, and giving thanks to God for this new day.  

It’s been about 6 weeks since our Teacher sent us out in pairs to practice what we have been learning.  He didn’t let us take any food or money with us - only sandals and one tunic.  

It’s been energizing and exciting and amazing!  The air crackled the first time Matthias cast out a demon! I can barely tell you without crying the deep joy when someone says, “I want to know more about this teacher you follow, the one who says we ALL deserve plentiful respect and food.”

Our main job is teaching about God’s kingdom of justice and love.  We do that by talking, but mostly by showing people what it looks like.  We heal people, cast out spirits of untruth, and teach people about pray and forgiveness. We help them imagine life without hardships. 

Channeling the healing power of God’s love is amazing! When people doubt and demean us - and some do - we shake the dust off our sandals and move on.  The Teacher says we are leaving seeds of holy love and we don’t know when or how they will grow. We wish people blessings and health, and walk on to find others who hunger for our good news.

I am so glad the Teacher sent us out with a partner.  There were so many times these past few weeks when I didn’t know the right words to say or the best thing to do - and John did!  And when his feet were so blistered from those darn sandals Jesus told us to wear, I found the right herbs for a poultice.  They healed up in two days!  My Amma would be so proud.

As exciting as these few weeks have been, this mission was exhausting. By the end I was weary to my bones. So many things to pay attention to all at once!  As we walked, we noticed the way the crops and landscapes change depending on water and valleys and hills.  And how the people in a place reflect the land and the history of it.  

We were always wondering who would invite us to stay when we came to a new town - and someone always did. Talking to all kinds of people was so interesting - and we had to listen closely for the good news they needed to hear.  We learned again and again that actions speak far louder than words.  Jesus makes it look so easy!

Walking with John every day was a blessing, too.  I learned a lot about ‘walking in love,’ as the Teacher says.  When I think back on it, love defined every step.  Not romantic love!  Love like for my brother, with an extra measure of Jesus-like love for all the people and creatures and nature.  A sense that all things are from God, and we were walking a sometimes rocky and winding path leading to God.

While we walked, we talked about the people we met and what we noticed brought them peace and joy. We talked about what we thought we did well in a village, and what could have gone better. Sometimes there were long silences while we were both thinking.  One of us would bring up something Jesus taught us.  We would talk about it for a while, and then figure out how to teach it. 

Sometimes we talked about our feelings - what we were worried or sad or happy about. Sometimes we talked about things we still want to do in life.  When one of us was doubting ourselves, the other always had some words of encouragement and prayed for us.  I am so glad I wasn’t alone.

It felt so good to come home to our friends and our teacher.  I couldn’t wait to hear everyone’s experiences, where other teams went, and how they shared the good news. Some of us did a lot of shaking off the dust!  James told some very entertaining stories - and I’m sure there are more to come! I missed hearing familiar voices and rhythms of prayer and singing, not to mention Martha’s cooking!  

The best surprise in coming home was when, after the first evening of eating and prayers and stories, Jesus told us that it’s time for REST!  After a good sleep, we all got up before dawn, left behind the crowd that seems to follow Jesus everywhere, and got in a boat. Jesus guided us to a deserted place. We get to stay here and rest for a little while, just like the Teacher does when He needs to recharge his spirit.

Jesus left us here, and went on to continue teaching and healing. So many people want to be near him these days.  Sometimes when he teaches, five thousand people gather!  I want to do my part the best I can, to tell the good news about God’s kingdom, so it’s good to remember that we take turns and other people keep doing the ministry when we rest.  

Ooh, I smell bread and fish cooking for breakfast and my stomach is rumbling.  Beloved friends and siblings, it’s good to be home with the family of Jesus.  

The way is made by walking, and I hope to see you there soon. Glory to God in the highest, and blessings of peace!

Until we meet again, keep walking in love.

Your friend, Mary

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