Sunday, February 18, 2024

1st Sunday in Lent - 02/18/2024

Reading for the day

The Rev. Lisa Graumlich, preacher

Today’s gospel is short, sweet and has a distinct “good news” punch line– repent and believe in good news that the Reign of God is at hand.

Repent and believe in the Reign of God.

Those words sit uneasily in our modern world. Repent is a word that has been weaponized to judge and shame others. As a gay person, I have been told to repent. Numerous times.

Repent is a word that has been used to evoke shame. We need to reclaim this word.

Repentance is the act of turning away from sin and turning towards God. It’s telling the truth. It’s acknowledging individual and collective wrong doing – what has been done and what has been left undone. It’s about sincere commitment to change our behavior – and to change the systems that our behavior has put in place and that we tacitly engage in our day-to-day life.

And then there’s the promise that the Reign of God is at hand – or was at hand 2000 years ago. This feels like cold comfort when we continue to be bombarded with news of war and witness the suffering of our neighbors.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Ash Wednesday - 02/14/2024

Readings for the day

If true love never did exist, how could we know its name? [1]

Today is the 2nd time in the 2000s that Ash Wednesday coincides with Valentine's Day.  It will happen once more in the next 20 years.  It’s an interesting weaving together of heavenly and earthly desires to observe the two simultaneously.

Both Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day talk about love.  Both have cultural traditions associated with them.  One is a fleeting, commercialized holiday perpetuated by the candy and greeting card industry.  The other ushers in a season of self-examination, prayer, and intentionality.  

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Last Sunday after the Epiphany - 02/11/2024

Readings for the day

Dazzling white.  Brighter than any one on earth could create or conceive.  So bright it hurts the eyes. The bright star of Bethlehem magnified and intensified into one being. Peter and James and John couldn’t look away.  

Something was happening.  Something mysterious.  And terrifying.  And wondrous.  Something holy.  Like a bush that burns but is not consumed.  Or fiery chariots descending from heaven.  Amazing.  Confusing.  Not limited by the human imagination.  Unbelievable - except that they see it with their own eyes.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

5th Sunday after the Epiphany - Annual State of the Parish Address - 02/04/2024

Readings for the day

Dear People of Trinity Parish of Seattle at 8th and James, my siblings in Christ,

Greetings in the name of the one, holy, and indivisible God.  I give thanks for you every day, and for the gift and privilege of proclaiming the Good News of God’s forgiveness and healing love with you.

* * * * * * * 

Think for a moment about your most favorite road trip you’ve ever taken.

How long was it?  Was it an afternoon, or days, or weeks? 

Was it a round-trip or one-way?

Did you have a destination in mind?  

Or was it purely to explore and learn about a different place?

Who was along for the ride?  

Were you with family or friends or was it a solo adventure?