Sunday, November 17, 2024

26th Sunday after Pentecost - 11/17/2024

I’m imagining the disciples taking in the size and grandeur of the Temple in Jerusalem and I can only equate it with my experience of the National Cathedral in Washington DC.  Towering ceilings. Flying buttresses.  Breathtaking stained glass and mosaics. Beautiful stone carvings of saints inside, and gargoyles outside everywhere.  

It took 83 years to build the Temple in Jerusalem, and it was under construction during Jesus’ lifetime.  The stones were HUGE. 35’ x 18’ x 12’  All cut and placed by human power alone.  It’s mind boggling.  A visible testament to the cruelty and oppression of people who worked and died to bring that grand human vision to reality.

As Mark, our gospel writer, foreshadows, less than 10 years after its completion, the people of Judea revolt against Roman occupation, and the Temple is destroyed in the violent quelling of the uprising.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

25th Sunday after Pentecost - 11/10/2024


"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8

It has been a week of many and varied feelings within us individually, and in this Trinity community. This short verse reminds us that, no matter what our feelings about the outcome of the many elections and initiatives this week, we set our gaze on Jesus and his ministry to guide our lives.  

Going back to last week’s sermon for a moment, we are constantly scanning the headlines and the media, taking the emotional temperature of our surroundings, monitoring our own feelings. Wherever our scanning pauses and we focus on one thing, we give power to that thing.  Power to influence our thinking about ourselves and who we are, our place in the world and society, and our relationship with our neighbors, God and creation. That’s a lot of power.  We choose whether to give that power to fear, or gloating, or Jesus.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

All Saints' Sunday & the week of a Presidential Election - 11/03/2024

I have noticed a general malaise in my body and mind these past couple of weeks.  For me it has been a sick feeling stomach that I keep feeding too much sugar (thanks Halloween) and too much coffee. Add to that a lack of focus and low level feeling of being off balance. I know a number of people who have had a nagging cold or headache, or been short-tempered or tired.  Our bodies are speaking to us.

If you are feeling anxious and overwhelmed about the election this week, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.  I can correlate my malaise to the amount of media and social media I allow myself to consume.  It’s the news about how close the election is.  The rhetoric that has escalated from what was already violent, abusive, and disrespectful language.  

Our anxiety and stress are signs of fear.