Sunday, October 27, 2024

23rd Sunday after Pentecost - 10/27/2024

This past weekend, your Trinity delegates and I gathered with about 450 people from for the annual diocesan convention.  Our diocese includes about 100 Episcopal congregations in Western Washington, from the Canadian border to the Oregon border, crest of the Cascade Range to the Pacific Ocean.  Friday was a day of workshops and a plenary session guided by our new bishop, and Saturday was a business meeting.  

I would like to invite the delegates who attended either day to come up and share something that they found exciting or interesting from diocesan convention.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

22nd Sunday after Pentecost - 10/20/2024

Walk in Love as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. - Ephesians 5:1-2

Many weeks of the year, that sentence transitions us from the Liturgy of the Word to the Liturgy of the Table, inviting us to offer our whole lives to God.  As we are able, we bring forward bread and wine and money to represent our best efforts in this life. Humbly, we place them on the altar to be blessed, broken, and shared to nourish our community for serving the world.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

20th Sunday after Pentecost / Last Sunday of Creation Season - 10/06/2024

That is one doozy of a gospel reading, isn’t it?

The question of divorce is a thorny legal question in both the civil and religious law of Jesus' time, as it is in ours.  

In ancient Palestine, women were property of their fathers and then their husbands.  Without a man at the head of the household, women and children were vulnerable and often marginalized.  

All three synoptic gospels include some variation on the question about the legality of divorce, and each gives a different representation of the law.