Sunday, April 28, 2024

5th Sunday of Easter - 04/28/2024

Readings for the day

Guest Preacher:  Kristy Messler

As Trinity’s Parish Administrator, I am accustomed to wearing many different hats. Sometimes all at the same time! Today is the first time I am putting on my preacher’s hat. It is a gift for me to be here, sharing some Gospel fruit with you.  

I have a print based on today’s Gospel text hanging in my office. It reads, “I am the vine, you are the branches. Remain in me.” It is a reminder for me that as long as I remain connected to my source, abundant life – as I have experienced it – will continue to flow through me and enable me to have an impact on the lives of those around me. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

4th Sunday of Easter - 4/21/24



Must be skilled in finding green pastures and still water.  Respond quickly to any sign of injury or illness.  Nurturing and attentive to sheep in your care.  Recover strays while maintaining integrity of flock. Keep constant watch for predators and avoid known safety hazards.  Must be willing to sacrifice own safety and life for well-being of sheep.  Generous bonus for returning larger and healthier flock at end of season.

I always thought that being the good shepherd meant that Jesus gets an A+ job rating at shepherding. I learned something new this week. It turns out that the word for ‘good’ is not about good or bad, but instead means something more like ‘true’ or ‘genuine.’  Jesus is the real shepherd of God’s people. 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

2nd Sunday of Easter - 4/7/2024


Happy Day of Resurrection!  Our gospel reading this morning brings us to the evening of the day Mary Magdalene discovered that Jesus had risen from the dead.  Because Mark ends his good news about Jesus with the empty tomb and no post-resurrection encounters with Jesus, we are jumping into John (and a little Luke) for the next few weeks.

These 50 days between Easter and Ascension are called Eastertide.  

Eastertide is a time of transition.  Jesus is Jesus, but he is different after dying and coming back to life again.  His relationship with his followers has changed. Nostalgically, he remains their beloved teacher, although he acts more like a mentor now.  He encourages and coaches them to reflect on their faith, empowers and encourages them in their various gifts, and more overtly prepares them to continue bearing witness to the Good News.