Sunday, September 10, 2023

15th Sunday after Pentecost / Homecoming Sunday / Blessing a Marriage / Season of Creation - 09/10/2023

 Readings for the Day.

Wow!  It really feels like fall already, doesn’t it?  School has begun, or will soon.  Weather is cooling.  Days are shorter.  The air vibrates with the energy of new beginnings.  New routines.  New life and relationships.  

It is so good to see all of you here this morning.  Welcome home!!  Thank you for making Trinity part of your fall transition.  

Today is Homecoming Sunday.  We come home to this place, to this community, and to God.  Whether we have been here before or not, we come home to belonging, to being known and seen as we are - beloved and uniquely created children of God.  Imperfect and amazing.  Welcome home!!