Sunday, April 30, 2023

4th Sunday of Easter - 04/30/2023

Readings for today.

Sheep and shepherds, oh my! Happy Good Shepherd Sunday!  Just as we read about “doubting” Thomas the Twin on the Sunday after Easter each year, the 4th Sunday of Easter is Good Shepherd Sunday. 

Psalm 23 paints an idyllic picture of God as our shepherd.  Often shared at funerals and other times of uncertainty, it evokes comfort and security.  Green pastures and still waters provide plentiful food and water for unhurried grazing, as do a generously spread table and a cup running over, presumably with living water.  A song of guidance, protection, and plenty that we often sing with shaking voices, soothing ourselves into calm, remembering a peace that revives and reassures us for living.

With Psalm 23 echoing in our ears, we project Jesus as the shepherd onto today’s gospel selection.  Reading more closely, in today’s reading Jesus says he is the gate, the way into the security of the sheepfold.  And the way out into the world.  

Sunday, April 16, 2023

2nd Sunday of Easter 04/16/2023


Did Jesus really appear to his disciples after he died?  If they didn’t recognize him, how did they know it was him?  Can we doubt AND have faith simultaneously?

Thomas the Twin asked these questions the week after Jesus was resurrected.  We are still asking them today.  They are particularly relevant as we baptize an adult into the body of Christ this morning.  

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Easter Day 04/09/2023

 Readings (Matthew Gospel)

Happy Easter!!  

My heart is so full, seeing all of you here this morning!

For those joining us via livestream, outside, it’s a beautiful grayish Seattle day of blooming bulbs and spring green, made so by lots of rain.  

Inside, our sanctuary is awash with light and life: the glory of creation in flowers, joyful music that moves our hearts and bodies, and so many beautiful radiant faces.  

After three years in the pandemic and its shadow, it finally feels like we are emerging into new life.  We persevered through dark, suffocating days, and death.  We labored to find strength to breathe and feel alive.  We are not who we were before.  We are emerging into a new world and understanding of our selves.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Palm Sunday - 04/02/2023

Palm only Readings for today.

The Passion according to Matthew.

No, we didn’t forget to read the Gospel this morning.  With our bishop’s permission, we are using the Palm gospel from the beginning of the service as our Good News this morning.  In The Episcopal Church, Palm Sunday services typically read the Passion gospel just before the sermon.  Today we will hear the story of Jesus’ betrayal, trial, and execution as the postlude to our celebration of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem surrounded by a noisy, cloak-wearing, branch-waving crowd.