Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Sunday, May 19, 2019

5th Sunday of Easter

Readings for Today

Listen to the Sermon

It’s spring!  Flowers are blooming.  Trees that were bare just weeks ago are filling with new leaves.  Fuzzy ducklings toddle behind their parents. The sun feels warmer.  If colors had scents, I imagine green would smell like sweet spring air and fresh cut grass.  

The renewal of life that happens in spring reminds us that we are still in the Easter season.  Our “Alleluia” refrain, which was so jubilant just five weeks ago, has already gotten a little less exuberant.  Resurrection and new life have gotten to be old news. Reveling in spring this week is a good reminder that new life isn’t old news – it is THE news.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

4th Sunday of Easter

Readings for Today.

Listen to the Sermon.

Baa.  You might have guessed from the themes running through this morning’s lessons – it’s Good Shepherd Sunday.  On the 4th Sunday of Easter every year, we talk about sheep and shepherds.  We hear how Jesus is the Good Shepherd and we are his sheep. How the Good Shepherd leaves the entire flock behind to go looking for the one lost sheep.  How the sheep know the Shepherd’s voice and follow him.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

3rd Sunday of Easter

Readings for Today.

Listen to the Sermon.

When I was in college, my roommate started Friday Night Dinners at our apartment.  She invited every young adult we knew - from work, from school, and mostly from HYC - to come over on Friday night to eat and hang out.  We provided lots of food, and, in the gathering of friends, Christ was present. We laughed and cried together, and no one was alone.