Sunday, April 28, 2019

2nd Sunday of Easter

Readings for Today.

Listen to the Sermon.

Doubt.  It seems like a timely topic these days.  In our world, we look around and see one distressing thing after another:  dead emaciated whales their bellies filled with plastic waste, children starving on every continent, new border walls being built around the world to refuse sanctuary to refugees fleeing from war and violence, humanity’s basic fears fueled by self-centered hate-mongering.  It’s hard to imagine what comes next.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Palm & Passion Sunday

Readings for Today.

Listen to the Sermon.

Last year, the day before Palm Sunday was the March for our Lives against Gun Violence.  In the wake of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL, Julien and I took our children to the rally and march.  Led by the youth of our community, we joined 100,000 people of all ages and skin colors and religious backgrounds, including our bishop Greg Rickel and many Episcopalians.  We carried signs, we chanted, we used our physical presence to make a statement about our hope for a future that is different than the one where there continues to be a school shooting every 12 days. [1]

We carried signs.  We joined our voices with others.  We chanted our protest, our lament, and our beliefs.  We used our physical bodies to make a statement about our hope for the future.